
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Story of Creation (13) – Oceans Waves, Sea Jewelry & Rivers Gold.


1.  Source of Water on Earth
2.  Ocean Current System
3.  Ocean Internal Waves
4.  Light Penetration Layers
5.  Waves Reflection
6.  Breaking Waves
7.  Tsunamis
8.   The Black Smokers
9.   The Boiling Sea
10.   Buoyancy & Ships Stability
11. Maritime Shipping
12. Estuary (Contact of Sea & River waters)
13. Rivers Geological Source
14. Rivers for our Benefit
15. Seas & Rivers Jewelry
16. Gold carried by Flood

1. Source of Water on Earth


Quoted from: Wikipedia - Origin of Water on Earth

The question of the origin of water on Earth, or the question of why there is clearly more water on the Earth than on the other planets of the Solar System, has not been clarified. There are several acknowledged theories as to how the world's oceans were formed over the past 4.6 billion years.


Some of the most likely contributory factors to the origin of the Earth's oceans are as follows:

1.    The cooling of the primordial Earth to the point where the outgassed volatile components were held in an atmosphere of sufficient pressure for the stabilization and retention of liquid water.
2.    Comets, trans-Neptunian objects or water-rich meteorites (protoplanets) from the outer reaches of the main asteroid belt colliding with the Earth may have brought water to the world's oceans. Measurements of the ratio of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and protium point to asteroids, since similar percentage impurities in carbon-rich chondrites were found to oceanic water, whereas previous measurement of the isotopes' concentrations in comets and trans-Neptunian objects correspond only slightly to water on the earth.
3.    Biochemically through mineralization and photosynthesis.
4.    Gradual leakage of water stored in hydrous minerals of the Earth's rocks.
5.    Photolysis: radiation can break down chemical bonds on the surface. [1]

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Story of Creation (12) – The Winds, Storms & Hurricanes types in the Holy Quran


1. Meteorology (Study of Winds)
2. Wind dispersal
  • Fertilizing Winds
  • Barren Winds (Non-Fertilizing)
3. Types of Winds:
  • Doldrums Winds (Ceased Winds):
  • Trade Winds (Favorable Winds)
  • Prevailing Winds (Stormy Winds)
  • Polar Easterlies (Extremely Cold Winds)
4. Types of Hurricanes:
  • Hurricane (Destruction Winds)
  • Fire Whirl (Fire Cyclone
5. Other Type of Storms:
  • Yellow Winds (Dusty Winds)
  • Swallowing Winds (Mountain-Valleys Winds)
  • Pyroclastic flow (Stones Storm)

1.  Meteorology (Study of Winds)


Wind in climatology, the movement of air relative to the surface of the Earth. Winds play a significant role in determining and controlling climate and weather.

Wind occurs because of horizontal and vertical differences (gradients) in atmospheric pressure. Accordingly, the distribution of winds is closely related to that of pressure. Near the Earth’s surface, winds generally flow around regions of relatively low and high pressure—cyclones and anticyclones, respectively. They rotate counterclockwise around lows in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise around those in the Southern Hemisphere. Similarly, wind systems rotate around the centres of highs in the opposite direction. [1]

In meteorology, winds are often referred to according to their strength, and the direction from which the wind is blowing. Short bursts of high speed wind are termed gusts. Strong winds of intermediate duration (around one minute) are termed squalls. Long-duration winds have various names associated with their average strength, such as breeze, gale, storm, hurricane, and typhoon. [2]

The Story of Creation (11) – Clouds, Rain, and Water Cycle in the Holy Quran.


1.   The Types of Raining Clouds
2.   The “Forecastable” Winds and the Heavy Clouds
3.   Characteristics of Rain:
  • High Pressure on first rain
  • Being Acidic water
  • Being melted from Ice
  • Being shattered into smaller drops
  • Carrying seeds and bacteria
4.    Thunderstorm Clouds
5.    Water Cycle and its Balance
6.    Ways of water inside Earth
7.    Storing water inside Earth, Aquifer Depth
1.    The Types of Raining Clouds


There are 2 main types of clouds that can be rainy clouds:

A- Nimbostratus Clouds
Nimbostratus clouds belong to the Low Cloud (surface to 2000m up) group. They are dark gray with a ragged base. Nimbostratus clouds are associated with continuous rain or snow. Sometimes they cover the whole sky and you can't see the edges of the cloud. [1]
Nimbostratus Formation

Nimbostratus will occur along warm fronts where the slowly rising warm air mass creates nimbostratus and stratus clouds, which are preceded by higher-level clouds such as cirrostratus and altostratus. Often, when an altostratus cloud thickens and descends into lower altitudes, it will become nimbostratus. [2]