
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Story of Creation (16 – B): Embryo’s Development Miracles in the Holy Quran

  1. The 3 Layers of Womb
  2. Pregnancy Hormones
  3. Splitting of Zygote Cell
  4. Egg Falling and its Implantation
  5. Development Phases
  6. Gene Expression inside Fetus     
  7. Embryo Creation Sequence
  8. Different Creations
  9. Starting of Heartbeat
  10. Embryo Sex Appearance
  11. Hearing, Sight, then Lungs Function
  12. Bones before Flesh
  13. Delivering Mother vs. Donator Mother
  14. Breast Feeding Period
  15. Birth of 6 months

1-    The 3 Layers of Womb


Quote from: The uterus

The uterus is made up of three layers:
The inner layer is the endometrium. This is the inside mucus lining of the uterus where the placenta attaches.

The middle layer is made of different types of muscles, collectively called the myometrium. During pregnancy these muscle cells grow ten times in length and three times in width. Some of these muscles run lengthwise from the cervix, over the top of the uterus (also called the fundus) back down to the cervix on the other side. They contract and shorten during labour, pulling up the cervix and pushing your baby down the birth canal.

The outer layer is the perimetrium. A fine outer layer separating the uterus from the intestines. [1]

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Story of Creation (16 – A): Human Birth Miracles in the Holy Quran


1-    Androgen (Male Hormone)
2-    Spermatogenesis (Sperms duplication)
3-    Creation from One Sperm
4-    Sperm’s Type (Male & Female)
5-    Sperms Storage
6-    Sperm’s Journey
7-    Sperms & Egg Colors
8-    Sperm Carrying Chromosomes  
9-    The Source of Sperms’ Chromosomes
10- Multiple values of same attribute in DNA
11- Male & Female Chromosomes
12- Y-Chromosome Marker
13- Boy or Girl, how it’s decided?
14- Families of all Sons or all Daughters

1-    Androgen (Male Hormone)


Quoted from: Adrenal Glands:

In mammals, the adrenal glands (also known as suprarenal glands) are endocrine glands that sit atop the kidneys; in humans, the right suprarenal gland is triangular shaped, while the left suprarenal gland is semilunar shaped. They are chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in response to stress through the synthesis of corticosteroids such as cortisol and catecholamines such as epinephrine. The adrenal glands affect kidney function through the secretion of aldosterone, a hormone involved in regulating the osmolarity of blood plasma. [1]