Introduction, Declaration, Acknowledgement
1- Who did create the universe, and when he started?
2- How it was created? “Big Bang Theory”, is it true?
3- Universes Creation
4- Universe Expansion, Acceleration & Earth location
5- How was the Universe built?
6- Universe Wonders:
- Black holes, Pulsating stars, The Star Sirius, Diminishing Stars, Stars Positions
7- Unexplained Signs Yet:
- Ways in the Space, Holes into Other Universes, Universe Gates, Sky Towers, Sky Listening Chairs (Stations), Shooting Stars
God is the supreme power, he is the one who created the whole universe, the heavens and Earth, and he who had created the humans, and he is the one and only one who deserves to be worshiped only.
Muslims claim that ALLAH is the God and the only God of all what is created in Universe, and he who had revealed his last book the “Holy Quran” to his last messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
In this holy book, there are many verses that describe Universe Creation, and since Science has advanced a lot in knowing how the universe was created, we can compare the facts from both resources (Quran, Science), and if they match then definitely ALLAH is really the ONE, and he is Almighty God.
Knowing that, Quran is NOT a book of “Science” but book of “Signs”, to show us the wonders of God’s work in Universe.
For those who don’t know Quran and its interpretation, it’s not a mankind book but God’s words, and to understand correctly what is meant by any of its words, you have to note the following: