
Story of Creation

The story of Creation:

This story was written in answer of an Atheist friend, we were debating and he commented by the following statement:

“If we don’t know what happen since the “Big bang”, even before, it will be difficult to believe !!”

So, trying to answer his question, I had to write a series of articles to show him that Mighty God “ALLAH” had already talked about the Creation process since the big bang even before, and how he had created the universe including the steps that it passed through till it becomes in such appearance.

The articles are the following:

Part 1 - Creation of Universe, and Space wonders...

Part 2 - Universe Temperature and Effect of Hell fire..

Part 3 - Earth Formation ..

Part 4 - Earth Geology...

Part 5 - Mountains Formation...

Part 6 - Miracles of Day and Night..

Part 7 - Oil, Minerals, Iron, Stones, ...

Part 8 - Sun and Moon ....

Part 10 - Earth Atmosphere, Ozone, Aurora, ...

Part 11 - Clouds, Rain, Water Cycle ....

Part 12 - Winds, Storms, Hurricanes ....

Part 13 - Oceans and Rivers ...

Part 14 - Pants Evolution ....

Part 15-A - Animals Evolution ..

Part 15-B - Cattle, Milk Production .

Part 15-C - Birds, Wild Animals, Insects ...

Part 16 - A - Human Birth ....

Part 16 - B - Embroy's Development

Part 17 - A - Adam Creation ...

Part 17 - B - Eve Creation ....

Part 17 - C - Evolution of Early Humans ...

Part 18 - A - Prophet Noah, Tuba Eruption ...

Part 18 - B - Prophet Hud, A'd People...

Part 18 - C - Prophet Saleh, Thamoud People ...

To be continued (in God’s will)…

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